Search Engine Optimisation

Website SEO audit

Audit Your Website to improve SEO ranking! Our expert will scan every aspect of your website and send you a details PDF reports & recommendations for improvement.

Keyword Explorer

Scan your website keyword : Search volume, Keyword difficulty,
Recommended keyword, Poor keyword usage.

On-page SEO analysis & issues

Identify the most critical technical on-page SEO issues affecting your web pages. include optimizing title tags, content, internal link…

Site Backlinks

List the website who is linking your website.

Site performance analysis

Analyzes your page’s speed performance and list all the technical issue that can improve to boost your website.

Website Audit Service.

Based in Mauritius, Our Web Design Agency has been providing top-quality web and graphic design services to European advertising agencies (France, Reunion, Paris, Perth, Sydney, Derby, Toronto, Vancouver, London, Birmingham, South Africa & Hong Kong) since 2009.

Talk to us.

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