Below are some of the top factors that affect your website position on Search Engine.

1. Improve customer website’s user experience (Have a user-friendly website)

The top four ranking factors are website visits, time on site, pages per session, and bounce rate. If your website is easy and enjoyable to use and offers valuable information, you’ll get more visitors, who will stay longer on your website and browse more pages, and that will contribute to improve your ranking.

2. Do keywords research and then write content optimized for SEO.

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Make sure your content is mistake-free, keyword-rich, mobile-optimized (responsive), written to address the specific needs of your target audience, and includes valuable links to additional internal (your website inner pages) and external content (external website).

3. Get more quality backlinks / Referring domains.

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Backlinks are links from other websites to your. They are one of the most heavily weighted Google ranking factors. Incoming links to your website content from high-authority domains show your site’s authority, bring in traffic, and increase your search ranking.

4. Improve your website speed.

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Google began using mobile page speed as a ranking factor in July, and while it said the “speed update” will only affect a small percentage of sites, it’s still a good idea to make sure your site is as fast as possible—both to improve your search rank and provide a good user experience.

5. Optimize your images.

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Optimizing your images is to boost the speed of your page and making it easier for Google to identify the images on your web pages. All images need to be compressed, have descriptive filenames, and include alt text.

6. Use correctly your content heading : H1 and H2 header tags.

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Not only do headers make your content more readable and easier to understand for humans and search engines alike, there is a strong correlation between Google search rank and the use of header tags in the body of your content allow search engine to know the main keywords of the page.

7. Write SEO-friendly & appealing Meta Title & Meta Description to increase your CTR.

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It is important that you write appealing Meta Title to increase the CTR on Google. Use free SEO plugins like Yoast on wordpress to easily to the editing.

8. Aim for to position your page on TOP on search engine

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When a user asks a question in Google Search, Google sometimes pulls content from a relevant website (maybe yours) and displays it in a special featured snippet or answer box above the #1 search result. To increase your chances of having your content selected as a featured snippet by Google, think of likely searches related to your business and add your site with clear, authoritative answers. (Remember, write for the people FIRST.)

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